Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Riddle Me This

I have purchased all of my items of the small scale bathroom reno and will post pics of my progress as soon a I start the project. T-minus 8 days til the project will begin. Soooo excited!

I saw this DIY doorhead board for a queen size bed on Katie Bower's blog Bower Power. She linked it to Country Living's website, and I think its a fantastic idea! That may be a new project coming up soon as I try to start nesting in my condo. I'm also thinking of switching to WordPress and really doing this blogging thing seriously. Its fun and its a great outlet. Plus, I'm obsessed with all of the other DIY/designer blogs out there so might as well join them right?!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bathroom, Shmathroom

So, recent life events have caused a focus on something new. A small obsession, have you. And that focus is on re-doing my itty bitty bathroom. I think its a healthy obsession. I'm teetering between a light blue and a light green...slate gray kinda got bumped in there a bit too. But I think I've finally settled on the green. I'm switching out the dark wood vanity/sink for a white one. Mostly because it has water damage on the bottom and I hate the faucets. So, I've been researching how to remove the vanity and sink and replace it. Because I live in a condo, I'm worried that I would have to have the entire building's water turned off but I think that I can just have the valves turned off for this project. Update to come soon ...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Earth Friendly Ideas

I've been on a kick to save the world!! Ok, maybe not so much, but definitely on a kick to do a little bit each day to help reduce my garbage tracking foot print. Recently I purchased this teeny tiny trash can from the Dollar Tree to serve as my recycle bin. I've been hounding Jocelyn to save her bottles and other garbage. Well, that garbage bin can seriously hold about 4 bottles...on a good day. I have my eyes on a tall, sleek, closing trash can to set on my back porch. Kinda like the one we have in our kitchen already from Bed, Bath and Beyond. Needless to say, its been nicely placed on the "Wish List" and the Dollar Tree mini-can lives to see another day.

I also saw on younghouselove, a dual-flusher system thats only $20 on amazon.com. Can you say, "Mine!" My eye is on the prize and I'm thinking about ordering it soon. I think it would classy-up the place! (even tho we don't pay for water). Its still conserving right?!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The good news is that I do have updated pics of my condo after the painting renovation. The bad news is that I can't find my USB cord to upload those images to my laptop. The search continues. The project list I have coming up is:

*Backsplash in Kitchen
*Updating the bathroom: new sink, new shower stall, new flooring

The bathroom project scares the you know what outta me! On a sidebar, I celebrated a mini-financial victory yesterday as I negotiated one of my biggest credit card APRs from 29.99% (yikes!) down to 19.99% variable for 12 months. Score!!!

Go hawks!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

This Tiny Condo...

So, jumping on the "This Old House"/"This Young House" bandwagon, I figured I would start documenting the progress I've made with..."This Tiny Condo" (see below):

I don't have picture of the building so I'm just going to post pics of my tiny (less than 600 sq.foot) Chicago condo, purchased in 2007. I bought it as a single, bachelorette, living in the city and have literally been at odds what to do with the ...er...lack of space. Above you see my bedroom. Below is the living space in all its messy glory (have no fear, I did eventually paint the walls 3 years later!):

And, lastly the kitchen:

There's also a small dining room/office space in the living room area..but I'm looking for fresh, calming, ORGANIZED, updates that I can make to the living space. I'm finding a lot of aspiration at Young House Love, which I absolutely adore! Makes me ready to conquer any and everything (with a little bit of white paint!).

TGI ...

The weekend is almost here and with that comes a refreshing, rejuvenating potential for relaxation, socialization, or anything else you want to make of it! Not sure what my plans are yet...I may start a new project or clean up the condo...but I definitely think that it will be a weekend that is well-needed!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Apolo OH-NO!

Because of my job, I meet random celebrities through publicity meet and greet sessions. This year we've met Apolo Ohno, Kourtney Kardashian and Kris Jenner. I have included the pic of Apolo below with the pic of Kourtney and Kris coming soon! Fun, fun fun!

Shoop, Shoop

I love the MacBook. So much so that I'm desperately thinking about ditching my 3 year old Toshiba laptop (with Windows Vista, eck) for one. Its beautiful, gleaming and holds all the answers to my design/blogging aspirations, right?! Its totally a smart purchase, right?! ha!!! My goal right now is to pay off credit card debt (to zero), and to finally brush off my 2 personal loans. Then, to big ideas and fancy gadgets. Til then, I better play nice with my Toshiba!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bump in the Road

Happy, new me is sidetracked. Personal/love life, not so good right now. We barely talk and theres zero romance. Fantastic!!

I really feel like there's all of this inspiration and creativity bubbling to get out of me. I feel like theres potential for smiles and happiness and its just not there. Maybe I have to re-evaluate my life and figure out what's preventing this bursting happiness from revealing itself. I have my suspicions.

I came across this new blog that I've been following and I just love reading about this couple's projects and adventures. Gives me hope that happiness is REAL!! Woo!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Start Off

So, as the new and improved, happy me...I'm searching high and low for things that really drive my ambitions, motivate me and inspire me. Hopefully I'll be able to share my world and my ideas through this site and have a healthy outlet for all that day to day stress!

This is inspiring...